


Johan Rodríguez


I'm a Computer Science student at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. Interested in machine learning, mathematics, software development, Unix, Vim, custom computers, design.

Hi! Welcome to my personal website, here you can find information about me, my projects and my interests. I'm trying to make this website my personal space on the internet, where I can share my daily life, thoughts, experiences and projects. I hope you enjoy your stay and find something interesting here.

My history

I was born in 2003 in Costa Rica, I have always been interested in technology and computers. My first contact with a computer was when I was 5 years old, my dad had a computer with Windows XP and I used to play games and watch videos on it, I didn't understand much about it but I was fascinated by it. With the passing of time I started to spend more time on the computer, eventually I started to learn how to use it. Time passed and I entered high school, in my high school I had the opportunity to take a communication networks technician course, where I learned about computer networks, telecommunications and programming. I graduated from high school in 2021. I don't know at what point I decided to study computer science, it only seemed natural to me since I have always been interested in technology and computers. I started my studies at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology in 2022 and I'm currently studying the Bachelor of Computer Engineering. In these years I have learned a lot about computer science, mathematics and problem solving.

My Interests

Since I started studying computer science I have been interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence, I also started using Arch Linux as my main operating system and I have learned a lot about it, due to this I started being involved in the open source community and Unix customizations. As a consequence of being interested in technology and computers, I discovered the world of japanese animation and manga, I have been watching anime and reading manga since 2019. I consider myself a perfectionist, I like to do things well and I'm always looking for ways to improve, that's why I'm interested in design and user experience, when I have the opportunity to do something I always try to make it look good and be easy to use.

Johan Rodríguez

Computer Science Student


Cartago, Costa Rica


I'm a Computer Science student at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. Interested in machine learning, mathematics and software development. Active researcher in the field of artificial intelligence and computer vision. Power user of Linux-based operating systems.


Computer Engineering

Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Currently studying the Bachelor of Computer Engineering at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. I have taken courses in computer science, mathematics and humanities.

Communication Networks Technician

CTP Santa Rosa de Pocosol

Graduated as a Communication Networks Technician from the Santa Rosa de Pocosol Technical Professional College. I learned about computer networks, telecommunications and programming.


Computer Vision Researcher

Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Currently working on a research project in the field of computer vision. I have experience in the use of deep learning models for tasks such as object detection, image classification, facial analysis and image segmentation.

Mathematics Tutor

Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Worked as a mathematics tutor for first-year students at the Colegio Científico de Costa Rica Sede San Carlos. I helped students with precalculus and calculus topics. I also worked as an assistant in Calculus and Algebra courses.



  • Spanish (Native)
  • English (Intermediate B2)
  • Japanese (Beginner)

Soft Skills

Problem solving, teamwork, leadership and communication.

Programming Languages

Solid knowledge of Python, C/C++, Java and Go.


React, Vue.js and Jekyll.


Git, Docker, Vim and Unix-based operating systems.